Saturday, July 29, 2006

It finally had to happen...

Our George is sick with a "respiratory viral infection". Sounds very serious ( and it can be if not treated) but its really just a cold. He's in very good spirits considering he's bunged up with mucus poor wee blighter. Mummy and Daddy were/are very worried and are giving him lots and lots of feeds, cuddles and sleep. The routine goes out the window for a few days...
The pics above were taken a couple of days ago... before he was Mr Snotty from Snotsville.
Love to all...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

George playing silly buggers!

14 weeks and two days...

George is football mad!

George and his new favourite bug!

Tummy Time! Looking very proud of himself!

Chilling with Mummy!

Since getting his immunisations last week, George is now waking twice a night for feeding. Its not too bad as at least he sleeps from 8pm - 2am, and then wakes again at 4 or 5 for another feed. Not sure why he is doing this...many theories but I'm not quite ready to let him cry it out yet and as he is starting to get distracted during his day feeds he really does need these night ones. So sleep deprivation, here I come! :)

George is just very good though. Alot more wakeful during the day and loves being sung to and playing with all his toys, especially his new bug. He is obsessed with Green bug toys from Lamaze. Oooohs and ahhhhs at them all the time...bless.

We have started at Jumping Beans ( ) and he is enjoying the Baby Beans class even if he is the youngest there. All the other babies range from 5mths - 1year and are sitting up on their own... poor George is baby of the class. At the Baby Beans class he learns kinetic gym exercises to help movement and brain development.

Monday, July 17, 2006

3 Months Old!

George in his high chair...only a few more months and he'll be in this for real! Thanks Poppa and Oma!

George in his bath... he loves it!

George in his Jolly Jumper... I don't think babies are meant to go in these until they are over 4 months but George can hold his head very well and we only put him in it for a few minutes each day. He thinks its great!

Asleep in his pushchair on his first trip to the beach... bless! Must have been that sea air!

Not alot to report...George is still being an angel and is still sleeping well. Went from 8pm- 5am last night!

We've found a night cloth nappy that works really well now and so George is a fully cloth nappy wearing baby now! Yay! So cute and makes me feel better that not only am I saving money but also not adding to NZ's waste by using disposibles. For those of you who don't know, George is wearing a modern cloth nappy (not sure if they have alot of them in the UK) which are shaped like a disposible but is made out of cloth and is washable. They are amazing!

Hope you enjoy the pics of our big boy!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Grabbing and chewing

Here's a couple of pics of George taking his red cube off me and then chewing on it! Such a clever boy!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

More Pics of what George has been up to!

George with Aunty Anna who came all the way from Whakatane to visit!

George just waking from his nap... love those "just woken" sleepy smiles!

George and his coffee group pals... from left - George, Catherine, Taylor, Sophie and Kenyan

George and his Poppa Goody...

George and Oma

12 weeks old!

Sleeping angel

Getting good at tummy time!

Time is going so fast... I know I keep saying that but its true! He's learning new things every day now. Reaching out to grab toys has now turned into grabbing them and putting them in his mouth. He stands up with us holding his hands (very strong legs!) and according to the plunket nurse his teeth are starting to come through already!

He now squeals with delight and George is usually calm in the mornings with a big smile and very happy to see us! We are still going to our course once a week and George also hosted a coffee group last week and he was reasonably well behaved. He is booked in to get his immunisations next week so that should be interesting. I hope he doesn't hate me for it!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

11 weeks old!

Time is flying past so quickly and George is doing new things every day. He grabs for things now and can hold his flash cards which is finds very cool. He is starting to squeal now and makes longer oohing and aaahhhing noises.

This week we are working on his tummy time as he doesn't usually like it but its quite important for his development so I'm trying all sorts of things to keep him happy while on his tummy.

Still a pretty good sleeper but he now also keeps himself happy in the mornings and lies there with his thumb in his mouth, talking to his mobile over his cot. This is great as it gives Mummy abit of a sleep in and he is also very happy when we go in to see him.