14 weeks and two days...

George is football mad!

George and his new favourite bug!

Tummy Time! Looking very proud of himself!

Chilling with Mummy!
Since getting his immunisations last week, George is now waking twice a night for feeding. Its not too bad as at least he sleeps from 8pm - 2am, and then wakes again at 4 or 5 for another feed. Not sure why he is doing this...many theories but I'm not quite ready to let him cry it out yet and as he is starting to get distracted during his day feeds he really does need these night ones. So sleep deprivation, here I come! :)
George is just very good though. Alot more wakeful during the day and loves being sung to and playing with all his toys, especially his new bug. He is obsessed with Green bug toys from Lamaze. Oooohs and ahhhhs at them all the time...bless.
We have started at Jumping Beans ( www.jumpingbeans.net ) and he is enjoying the Baby Beans class even if he is the youngest there. All the other babies range from 5mths - 1year and are sitting up on their own... poor George is baby of the class. At the Baby Beans class he learns kinetic gym exercises to help movement and brain development.
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