10 Weeks old!

While Mummy was pampered in a day spa yesterday, Daddy looked after George on his own. George woke up when Mummy was leaving, had a bottle, played for a while and then went down for a nap and slept for 2.5 hours until Mummy got back! Very good boy. Daddy was probably very relieved and even managed to start dinner!
George is developing very quickly. He oohs and ahhhs all the time now and wakes up from his sleep with smiles instead of cries. The only time he really cries on waking is the early morning feed when he's really really hungry.
During that early morning feed he now tries to play with Mummy and starts to talk to her but Mummy has to ignore him otherwise George won't go back down for a sleep.
He loves watching the World Cup on the telly and also loves his new bouncer and toys, especially the swinging teddy bear.
Today, Mummy and George are going to a course in the afternoon. Its about "The Growing Baby" and hopefully George is well behaved unlike the massage course last week. He cried and cried during the whole thing.
hi george,granddad cooper here,next time mum or dad puts you near the t.v. ask them for the controler ,so you can turn it over if arseanl come on,me and nanna moon love you and hope to see you soon,be a good boy xxxxxxxxx
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