Their heeeeeere!

Well after a long anticipated year George finally can get big cuddles from his Nana Moon and Grandad!
We got up at 3.30am yesterday morning so that Sean could get to the airport for the flight arriving at 4.35am. Turns out Sean should have checked the phone messages the night before cause the Coopers had to take a later flight from LA and they didnt get to Auckland til 7am!
Oh well... all is good now though. George walked to Nana and Grandad when they arrived and although he was a little unsure at first (he was very tired when they turned up and due for a sleep so abit grumpy!) after his morning sleep he was best of mates with them. He especially liked it when Nana and Grandad fed him bits of his lunch at the park and playing with the football.
Hope you like the pics. The Coopers would like this disclaimer noted... they had just ended a 24 hour travelling nightmare when these pics were taken so look a little rough. :)
Ahhh! I think Nana Moon and Grandad Al look lovely (not jet lagged at all!) and George still looks his smiling happy self! What fun it must be to have brand new people to play with AND a first birthday to look forward to! What a luck boy gorgeous George is! Danielle xxxx
How lovely to see George with Nana Moon and Grandad Al.This little message contains a huge HUG from us. ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY!.Eve&John xxx
Yay for George and Nana and Grandad!!!! Must be having heapsa fun! See you guys soon gorgeous George and marvellous Maria :)
Hello Sean, Maria, Alan and June (oh and George), glad to see the parents got in from UK safe and well. Tell them that we hope they are enjoying their time there and are not spoiling George too much. Looking forward to hearing all about it upon their return.
Love Carly, Janet and Gerald. xxx
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