4 months old! Growing up sooo fast!

George and his mates from Coffee Group!

George and Mummy

Bubble bubba!

George and bugbug
Well, our darling turned 4 months old yesterday and he must of celebrated by being an absolute angel. We had a very full on day, visit to Plunket, visiting Saffron and Caelan, a hours walk along the waterfront and shopping and he was sooo good. No grissling or anything and seemed to enjoy his day.
He was weighed at Plunket and he's now 7.04 kgs or 15.5 pounds which is pretty normal for his age. He is sleeping well again too, I think this is because he is getting an extra top up of expressed milk in the early evening now and last night he slept from 8pm - 6am!
Off to jumping beans today and going to buy him a portacot so that our trip to Poppa and Oma's this weekend is pleasant for us all. Fingers crossed he likes sleeping in it!
George has taken to screaming now and laughs when he is tickled or if he's playing "jumpy jumpy" on Mummy or Daddy's lap... sooooo cute!
this is April and Rich looking at the photos of George. What a bundle of joy shame about the Arsenal shirt. Hope to see him before he goes to big school. He looks so much like his mum, soory Sean!
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