Almost Xmas!

Just a quick post to say Merry Xmas to everyone. George is doing really really well. He has cut most of his teeth now and is talking more and more each day. He babbles away constantly in his own George language with lots of real words thrown in. He tries to tell us things and gets very frustrated with us when we don't understand poor wee dude. He starts preschool in January and will be attending Karaka Learning Centre two days per week... fingers crossed he likes it! He can semi-dress himself now and has his own little jobs he does like go and get his bib for his dinner, put his toys away. Collect his shoes etc. He gets really proud of himself when he does good things and we give him lots and lots of praise. His toilet training comes and goes. He will go on the toilet every day that he is at home but doesn't go at Yaya's for some reason.
Hope you enjoy the recent pics... most are of George at some Xmas parties and him dressed up like Santa! :)