Our little rascal

Pic taken by Saffron... George and his best buddy, Caelan.

Pic taken by Chris, George before his haircut eating cake at Caelan's birthday party.

Our little man...

Well its been far to long since our last update so I thought I'd best post asap for fear of becoming more useless!
George is growing up too fast. He is full of imagination, always making character voices for his toys, singing songs, doing dances, reenacting out scenes from movies and counting and saying his ABC's. Of course, its not all sunshine, he is going through a huge 'my turn' stage and wants to do his own thing alot of the time. But thankfully abit of time out or distraction works 95% of the time.
He is still swimming most weekends and doing really well. He can hold onto a noodle and kick on his own in the pool without any assistance from Dada. He loves to jump in from the side and can almost swim unaided to the side of the pool and pull himself up. Most times he can but sometimes he turns back around to Dada. :)
George attends Karaka Learning Centre two days per week and loves it. He has come on in leaps and bounds since going here and is such a little social butterfly. He has a 'girlfriend'... which was a suprise to us but he has a special friend called Kayla who he hangs about with all the time. If she rejects him in anyway he gets very upset... poor little dude.
Basically his day consists of rising at 6amish, eating breakfast and getting dressed. He plays with his toys before he goes off to school or Yayas. When he comes home with me we get dinner ready together and he helps me light the fire. He's very good at scrunching up bits of newspaper! :)
After dinner we play or sometimes watch his favourite movie which is Ice Age... he loves it and almost knows it word for word. Bedtime is around 7.30pm and we always read two books (which he can sometimes recite) and then into bed. Lights out without a peep or tooing and froing from the bedroom. Such a good little boy.
George has really grasped the concept of 'Baby Caterpillar' very well. I'm now 18 weeks pregnant and showing and George loves to talk to the baby through my belly button and has a keen interest in babies in general. I really do hope this means he's going to be a great big brother. He says that 'Baby Caterpillar' is a baby brother so we should know next week sometime. :)