George in his high chair...only a few more months and he'll be in this for real! Thanks Poppa and Oma!

George in his bath... he loves it!

George in his Jolly Jumper... I don't think babies are meant to go in these until they are over 4 months but George can hold his head very well and we only put him in it for a few minutes each day. He thinks its great!

Asleep in his pushchair on his first trip to the beach... bless! Must have been that sea air!
Not alot to report...George is still being an angel and is still sleeping well. Went from 8pm- 5am last night!
We've found a night cloth nappy that works really well now and so George is a fully cloth nappy wearing baby now! Yay! So cute and makes me feel better that not only am I saving money but also not adding to NZ's waste by using disposibles. For those of you who don't know, George is wearing a modern cloth nappy (not sure if they have alot of them in the UK) which are shaped like a disposible but is made out of cloth and is washable. They are amazing!
Hope you enjoy the pics of our big boy!