OUR WEE NUGGET - George John Cooper
Son of Sean and Maria - For all our friends and family... lets see how quickly this lad grows!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
The Big Day

Well today was George's christening and his birthday party...
The day went really well... George barely cried during the ceremony. Just when he was bored and wanted to run around.
Then his wee party which was mainly family and a few friends. That was great too and George got very spoilt and also seemed to love all the attention.
Not alot of time to post because I'm knackered but I will post up some pics... some of George in general, some of his reaction to his trike that Mummy and Daddy bought him for his birthday, the babies at his party (George, Caelan and Cole) and also some of his kick ass cake that I made. It is Rocket from Disney's Little Einsteins (his favourite tv show). Mum baked the vanilla butter cakes and I carved them up and created the masterpiece (yes, I was very proud!).
Actual christening pics to come!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Almost one!

Well, in 2 1/2 days our darling will be one and what a year its been. Full of highest highs and not many lows (only the scary early days) but we look at every moment of the past year to be so so special. I miss the little baby that our darling was, so helpless and needy (and hungry! Like all the time!).
He's a big boy now. Like a sponge he soaks everything up and loves his wee independence. Sean and I fall in love with him more everyday and are so proud of the sweet, smart and loving little boy he is becoming.
He has been walking for about 4 weeks now... only the past two weeks has he been really going for it and now he's everywhere. Everyday he says more and does more cool stuff... just the little things, like taking his own leg out of his trousers for Daddy before his bath and when you say "Breakfast" he walks over to his highchair and tries to climb up.
George's baptism and birthday party on Sunday! Eek! Will have lots of pics to share soon but enjoy these in the meantime.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Their heeeeeere!

Well after a long anticipated year George finally can get big cuddles from his Nana Moon and Grandad!
We got up at 3.30am yesterday morning so that Sean could get to the airport for the flight arriving at 4.35am. Turns out Sean should have checked the phone messages the night before cause the Coopers had to take a later flight from LA and they didnt get to Auckland til 7am!
Oh well... all is good now though. George walked to Nana and Grandad when they arrived and although he was a little unsure at first (he was very tired when they turned up and due for a sleep so abit grumpy!) after his morning sleep he was best of mates with them. He especially liked it when Nana and Grandad fed him bits of his lunch at the park and playing with the football.
Hope you like the pics. The Coopers would like this disclaimer noted... they had just ended a 24 hour travelling nightmare when these pics were taken so look a little rough. :)