OUR WEE NUGGET - George John Cooper
Son of Sean and Maria - For all our friends and family... lets see how quickly this lad grows!
Monday, August 28, 2006
Its been ages!

Blowing bubbles!

Loves to stand

George and Poppa

Our little angel...

George and Oma
Well, its been far too long since we last updated the blog and George has done lots of great things. We went up to visit Poppa and Oma in Waipu and George slept for the first time in his new portacot. He seemed to love it although he did sleep diagonally in it! He is also comfortable sleeping in it during the day and its great when we go visiting at Yaya's as George goes down for an hour or so in the spare room.
George also had his first experience at the beach last weekend and Daddy dangled his feet in the ocean. He thought it was soooo cool and also loved his feet being warmed up by Mummy later. George's biggest news is that he is now eating solids! He eats pumpkin and kumara and tried some pear the other day. He opens his mouth real wide and makes "ummmm...yummmmm....ummmmmmmmmm" noises while eating. We think he looks like a Mako Shark when he goes for the spoon... bless
He eats about 1/4 cup twice a day and so far we haven't seen any changes to his night sleeping... in fact he seems to be waking more! Oh well, can't win em all.
George is also rolling around lots and making lots of squeally sounds and laughing alot. He has a very low pitched giggle... very cute!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
4 months old! Growing up sooo fast!

George and his mates from Coffee Group!

George and Mummy

Bubble bubba!

George and bugbug
Well, our darling turned 4 months old yesterday and he must of celebrated by being an absolute angel. We had a very full on day, visit to Plunket, visiting Saffron and Caelan, a hours walk along the waterfront and shopping and he was sooo good. No grissling or anything and seemed to enjoy his day.
He was weighed at Plunket and he's now 7.04 kgs or 15.5 pounds which is pretty normal for his age. He is sleeping well again too, I think this is because he is getting an extra top up of expressed milk in the early evening now and last night he slept from 8pm - 6am!
Off to jumping beans today and going to buy him a portacot so that our trip to Poppa and Oma's this weekend is pleasant for us all. Fingers crossed he likes sleeping in it!
George has taken to screaming now and laughs when he is tickled or if he's playing "jumpy jumpy" on Mummy or Daddy's lap... sooooo cute!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Update on George

George and Papoo (Great Grandad)

George and Aunty Mel

Rylee (2), George and Taylor (5)

Our big boy sitting on Dad's knee
Well, both George and Mummy have fully recovered from their terrible lurgy and are now 100% better. George has had a rather good week and seems to be going through a growth spurt. Yesterday he fed 2.5 hourly and he had 80mls of expressed milk and a big Mummy feed plus he took 200mls of formula before bed! He's starting to get rugby playing thighs...they are sooo chubby and cute!
George also spent some time with his cousins Taylor and Rylee this week and said Hi and Bye to them as they are off to Wellington to live (Hi guys!!!). As you can see in one of the pics he looks a little stressed out to say the least.
Yaya looked after George this week and saw the extent of George's wee stressy personality. I had put him down to sleep before I went to work and Mum said that when she went in to get him he stuck his lip out in protest...bless!
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Passed it on to Mummy

George enjoying tummy time


Trying so hard to roll over!

Silly soccer boy!

Who's that handsome lad? Oh, its me!!!
Well George has fully recovered from his wee lurgy but Mummy has it now and boy does it suck to be sick with a baby! All you wanna do is crawl into bed and sleep and of course that is impossible! Never mind... George is such a special baby and I forget all about the cold when I see his smiling wee face.
George rolled over once the other day from his back to his front and now its his new game. He is sooo determined to roll all the time and gets very upset when he can't quite do it!! He yells and yells and pushes sooo hard to turn over. Very very cute. He also loves looking in the mirror now and enjoys tummy time which he didn't a month or so ago. I truly think that Jumping Beans is helping. He loves going to Baby Beans class and loves the trampoline and the belly hammock the best. I think I'll try to take the camera next time I go and get some pics of him doing his thing.